Colourful Mono printing Workshop

I attended another very interesting Workshop at Denbigh Library at the end of November.This time the Tutor was artist Mary Spence who produces beautiful mono prints as well as textile art.
The workshop subject was how to produce mono prints using vivid oil based inks applied with rollers onto ‘Accolade’ card (which is similar in texture to photographic paper).

mono print design

mono print design 2
We spent a very entertaining morning producing prints, like the ones above. We applied the ink using a roller by different techniques, including straight forward rolling, using the side of the roller and using stencils and cutouts. Interesting colour combinations could be produced by rolling over an existing colour and also removing colour with a rag. White spirit sprayed onto the colours also produced lovely results.
Before lunch, we then produced themed pictures by using only the rollers, which I thought was great fun! I decided to ‘draw’ a coffee pot which was copied from a simple drawing Mary provided us with.
Coffee pot design
Coffee pot design using only rollers.

In the afternoon, we were allowed to trace an image, that would then be cut out and used as a stencil. I choose colours that I don’t usually use, but I think it came out quite well.
Coffee pots design
Design using stencils

This turned out to be a very entertaining and interesting day and I look forward to other Work shops.

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